Bloomington Refugee Support Network | ||
Dedicated volunteers offer assistance to area refugees & immigrants in areas such as information, short-term housing, utility bills, medical bills, rent, supplies. | Email with name, age, gender, phone/email, preferred language, & details about request | The BRSN committee reviews requests and follows up. |
College of Arts and Sciences Emergency Funding | ||
College of Arts and Sciences emergency funding: Small amount of funding available for graduate students. DGS or Chair should contact Associate Dean Padraic Kenney with a description of the student’s circumstances and the amount of financial need. These requests will be reviewed and funds will be disbursed based on urgency of need. | Email:
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Emanuel Baptist Church | ||
1503 W. That Road, Bloomington | (812) 824-2768 | Monday thru Thursday., 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
First United Church | ||
2420 E. Third Street, Bloomington | (812) 332-4439 | Requires a referral from St. Vincent de Paul (see below); church office is currently closed. |
Salvation Army | ||
111 N. Rogers, Bloomington | (812) 336-4310, ext. 100 (Monica Clemons) | Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m - 4 p.m., call ahead to make an appointment; assistance for rent/utilities/medical. |
Shalom Community Center | ||
620 S. Walnut Street, Bloomington | (812) 334-5728 | Can contribute up to $50 if available. |
St. Vincent de Paul | ||
1999 Packinghouse Road, Bloomington | (812) 961-1510, ext.2 or fill out & submit a financial assistance request at | If you are eligible for township assistance, please seek help there first. Please note that SVDP is not able to do home visits currently. |
Trinity Episcopal Church | ||
111 S. Grant Street, Bloomington | (812) 336-4466 | Call promptly at 9 a.m. on the first Tuesday after the first Sunday of the month to make an appointment to speak with the deacon later on Tuesday or on Wednesday. This service is not available in April 2020. |
Bloomington Township Trustee | ||
924 S. 17th Street, Suite C Bloomington | (812) 336-4976 | Currently open Monday thru Friday. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Financial request info is taken over the phone by a caseworker; Spanish-speaking caseworker is available. To apply must be a township resident and have a valid social security number. |
Perry Township Trustee | ||
1010 S. Walnut Street, Bloomington | (812) 336-3713 | Office is closed until further notice, though voice mails are being monitored 2x/day if you need to leave a message. For issues regarding utility bills please contact your utility. For issues regarding housing assistance please be aware that eviction hearings are postponed until the health emergency has been lifted. To apply must be a township resident and have a valid social security number. |
Richland Township Trustee | ||
416 S. Park Ellettsville | (812) 876-2509 | To apply for township assistance with issues like utilities, housing, medical, and creation/burials, call and speak to Laura Baker. To apply must be a township resident and have a valid social security number. |
Area 10 Agency on Aging | ||
630 W. Edgewood Ellettsville | (812) 876-3383 | Call about eligibility, delivery services available for people who are homebound or have limited mobility. |
Bloomington Township Trustee | ||
924 W. 17th, suite C Bloomington | (812) 336-4976 | Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.–4 p.m., call first for food list, must reside in township trustee area. Copy of bill or lease/mortgage document to verify residency and social security card |
Bobby's Pantry/Perry Township Trustee | ||
1010 S. Walnut Bloomington | (812) 336-3713 | Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.–2:30 p.m., sign-up sheet, for Perry residents only. Copy of bill or lease/mortgage document to verify residency and social security card |
Crestmont Community Food Pantry/Bloomington Housing Authority | ||
1007 N. Summit Bloomington | (812) 339-3491 | Thursday 3–4 p.m., pre-bagged groceries |
Crimson Cupboard |
Campus View Apartments 800 N. Union Street Bloomington | (812) 855-1924 | Crimson Cupboard will be open for rest of term and open to both students and residents/community members. Please call ahead. |
Feed the Needy at Second Baptist Church | ||
321 N. Rogers Bloomington | (812) 336-5827 | Monday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m.–12 p.m., handing out pre-bagged groceries |
First Assembly of God Food Pantry | ||
115 W. Association Street Ellettsville | (812) 876-4334 | First Wednesday of month 10 a.m.–2 p.m. |
First United Methodist Church Food Pantry | ||
219 E. 4th Street Bloomington | (812) 332-6396 | Wednesday 3:30–5:30 p.m., call first, hours/availability subject to change. |
Food Assistance Availability Map | ||
Find available food resources near you | | |
Genesis Church Food Pantry | ||
801 E. Street Road 45/46 Bypass Bloomington | (812) 336-5757 | Call for appointment |
Grace Center Food Pantry | ||
9206 S. Old SR 37 Harrodsburg | (812) 329-0337 | Thursday 3–7 p.m., pre-bagged groceries, must reside in Clear Creek, Indian Creek, or Polk townships. Copy of bill or lease/mortgage document to verify residency. |
Highland Faith Assembly of God Food Pantry | ||
4782 W. State Road 48 Bloomington | (812) 332-3707 | Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.–1 p.m., call first, hours/availability subject to change. |
Hoosier Hills Food Bank | ||
Food bank agencies information. |
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MCUM Self-Sufficiency Center Food Pantry | ||
827 W. 14th Ct Bloomington | (812) 339-3429 | Tuesday/Thursday 12–3 p.m. |
Mother Hubbard's Cupboard | ||
1100 W. Allen Street Bloomington | (812) 355-6843 | Beginning the week of March 23rd, MHC will be open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12–2 p.m. and 4–6 p.m., distributing pre-packed boxes of food. All non-essential programming - Kids Cook, garden and nutrition workshops, weekly drop-ins, demos, Coffee Talks - have been canceled until further notice. |
Redeemer Community Church Food Pantry | ||
111 S. Kimble Road Bloomington | (812) 269-8975 | Tuesday/Thursdays 2–4 p.m. or call for appointment |
South Central Indiana – Food pantries and hot meals resources | ||
Pantry 279 | ||
501 E. Temperance Ellettsville | (812) 606-1524 | Monday/Wednesday 4–6 p.m. & Saturday 3–5 p.m., offering drive-up services |
Richland Township Trustee | ||
416 S. Park Ellettsville | (812) 876-2509 | Monday thru Friday 8 a.m.–2 p.m., call first, hours/availability subject to change, must be Richland township resident. Copy of bill or lease/mortgage document to verify residency. |
Salvation Army of Bloomington | ||
111 N. Rogers Bloomington | (812) 336-4310 | Wednesday/Friday 9–11:30 a.m. & Tuesday/Thursday 1–3:30 p.m. |
Walnut Grove Food Pantry | ||
3100 S. Walnut Street Pike Bloomington | (812) 332-3695 | 3rd Friday of month 3:45 p.m., call ahead to ensure availability. |
Bloomington Center for Connection | ||
Mental Health Services. | | |
Bloomington Meadows Hospital | ||
Inpatient services for adults and adolescents/children | (800) 972-4410 (812) 331-8000 | Assessment and Referral specialist is available 24 hours/7 days a week by phone. |
Catholic Charities | ||
Counseling services | (812) 332-1262 | Counseling offered via telehealth services, call to schedule appointment |
Care Report | ||
We know that sometimes students experience challenges that affect their ability to be successful at Indiana University. A Care Referral is an easy way to request help with an issue or concern. | | For IU college students. |
Centerstone | ||
Mental health, addiction and other counseling services. | (800) 344-8802 – initial appointments 645 S. Rogers Street | On-site services still available, call ahead for appointments. |
CVS MinuteClinic | ||
Walk-in clinic. | 2701 E. Third Street or 4444 State Road W. 46 | Both addresses are seeing patients, but there are also video/telehealth appointments available. Appointments can be made online. |
IU Health | ||
Indiana University Health is the largest network of physicians in the state of Indiana. | | Go to “Find a Provider” to search for a physician. Call physicians to schedule urgent appointments, appointments made via the online form will not be available for 6 weeks. |
IU Health Urgent Care | ||
For non-life-threatening illness or injury walk-in clinic. | 812-353-6888 326 S. Woodscrest Drive | Monday thru Friday 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Saturday/Sunday 8 a.m.-6 p.m., visitor restrictions may apply. |
Indiana Recovery Alliance |
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Harm-reduction focused counseling for people battling addiction. | (812) 567-2337 | See the website for updated location information. If under self-quarantine, call the phone number to discuss service options. |
IU Counseling and Psychological Services |
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Counseling services for IU students | 812-855-7688 – appointments 812-855-5711 – after-hours crisis line 812-855-8900 – sexual assault crisis line | Starting Monday, March 23, CAPS will be offering limited services by phone/video only. During this time only a limited number of counselors will be available. Due to this reduction in staff, we will offer 30-minute visits by phone/video. The after-hours crisis line is available now through Friday, March 20 from 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. by calling 812-855-5711 and choosing option 1. Starting Friday, March 20 at 5 p.m., students can reach the crisis line 24/7. |
HealthNet (previously VIM) |
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Counseling/behavioral services. Low-cost health services. | (812) 333-4001 811 W. 2nd Street | Call to schedule an appointment. Most insurance are accepted. Works with those fully insured, under-insured, and uninsured. Patients are welcome from any geographic area, all ages, and all income levels. |
Middle Way House |
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Services for survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault | (812) 336-0846 338 S. Washington Street, Bloomington | 24/7 Help/Crisis line |
Mental Health Resource |
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Critical Mental Health Resources for College Students | | 24/7 Help/Crisis line |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline |
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Crisis services. | 800-273-8255 | Call or online chat also available. |
Search Free Clinics |
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Free Clinics Directory | ||
VA Clinic |
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Mental health services for veterans. Health resources available to veterans. | (812) 3349-4406 | Call to schedule an appointment. Open Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. It is open till 6 p.m. on Wednesday. Patients must be assigned to the Bloomington Mental Health Clinic to receive health care services. Speak with your primary care team about a referral. |
Aunt Berta | ||
Aunt Berta - Search for free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. | | |
Dial 2-1-1 | ||
Social Services for help with food, shelter, clothing, child care, transportation, legal services, education, employment, health care, and substance abuse. | Dial 2-1-1 401 N. Morton Street Suite 260 Bloomington IN 47404 |
Helping Bloomington Monroe | ||
A free community resource to help you find the services you need. Simply enter a keyword below and your ZIP code, then click the search button and you’ll find local information about health care, finding food assistance, social services, childcare and more. | --- | |
Indiana State Department of Health | ||
New toll-free number for questions on Coronavirus. | (877) 826-0011 | Select "1" for general questions about novel coronavirus. Select "2" if you are a healthcare provider. If a person calls the general number and identifies as speaking a few other languages ("I speak Spanish") then the person is transferred to someone who can speak the language. |
Community Kitchen of Monroe County | ||
1515 S. Rogers Street, Bloomington | (812) 332-0999 | Monday thru Saturday 4 – 6 p.m., warm carry-out available. |
Community Kitchen Express | ||
1100 W. 11th Street, Bloomington | (812) 332-0999 | Monday thru Saturday 4 – 6 p.m., warm carry-out available. |
Food Train | ||
Free food resources for K-12, locations include: Arlington Valley Mobile Home Park at Classic Lanes, Banneker Community Center, the Crestmont Boys and Girls Club, Countryview Apartments, East Burks Drive (Walnut Springs), the Seminary Square Kroger, Marquise and Lismore intersection, the eastside Bloomington post office at 3210 E. 10th Street, Southcrest Estates & Winslow Plaza. | (812) 855-5431 | Tuesday/Thursday, March 24 & 26, 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., call for logistics information, donations, or volunteering |
IU Food Institute: Emergency Meal Project | ||
In the face of the current pandemic, IU Dining, together with the Food Institute, Campus Kitchen, Food Working Group, Crimson Cupboard and other campus entities, has created an Emergency Meal Project. | | Meals are requested by 10am the previous day at this site for pick-up at Read Hall 12pm-1pm Monday through Friday (we also offer delivery). |
Wheeler Mission | ||
215 S. Westplex Avenue, Bloomington | (812) 333-1905 | 12 – 1 p.m. & 5 – 6 p.m. 7 days/week |
All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center | ||
Offering diapers, wipes, menstrual products, and some formula for pick-up. | 1014 S. Walnut Street (812) 558-0089 | Call ahead. |
Indiana Legal Services, Inc
| Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS) is a nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income residents throughout the state of Indiana. | |
City of Bloomington Utilities (Water & Sanitation Services) | ||
For health considerations, CBU has temporarily suspended water shut-offs on delinquent accounts. | However, if customers are having difficulties paying, please call 812-349-3930 to discuss what to do to avoid building up a large balance that will be hard to pay off later. | You can pay your CBU bill by debit or credit card by over the phone by calling 812-349-3930, or pay online at, or pay by check or money order by attaching your payment to the top portion of you CBU bill and mailing it or dropping it off at the drop box at 600 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401. |